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Science Education Workshop, Freetown 2016

The 2016 annual Science Education Workshop was held at the Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone on October 5 2016. The theme of the Workshop was 'Promoting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through science projects and demonstrations'. The students projects were based on the following thematic areas: Health, Engineering, Environment and Nutrition.

HEALTH : Aminata Turay (AWMS) and Christopher Conteh’s (Methodist Boys High School)

ENVIRONMENT 1. Umu Kuntume Sall (St Josephs convent) 2. Hudsonia Macauley (St Josephs Convent) 3. Joseph Ellie Cooper (MBHS) 4. Zaratu Sankou, (AWMS) 5. Mariama Mansaray, (AWMS)

NUTRITION 1. Ussinatu Miatta Kamara, (St. Josephs) 2. Joseph Ellie Cooper (MBHS) . 3. Victor King, MBHS. 4. Abu B Sesay (MBHS)

ENGINEERING 1. Emmanuel Mansary, from Methodist Boys High School, 2. Dauda Klevo Bhonapha (Government secondary school, Bo) 3. Mukeh Rex Bhonapha Jr. (Government secondary school, Bo) 4. Shirley issues (AWMS) . 5. Emmanuel Tholley, (MBHS) 6. Soko Renia, (HTSS, Kenema) 7. Andrew Norma, (MBHS)

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